Looking for the SSAR? If you are a student applying to Florida participating colleges, please use the SSAR (Self-reported Student Academic Record). If you have a SSAR account and would like to import courses and grades into the SRAR to save time, please reference our article on importing coursework from the SSAR to SRAR.
SRAR Login
- To log in to the SRAR, go to https://srar.selfreportedtranscript.com/generic.aspx
- Enter the email address used to create your SRAR account in the field labeled SRAR email address and click Continue.
- Enter the password associated with your SRAR account and click Complete Login.
If you are receiving the following message, "There does not appear to be an account in our system matching the email address you provided. Check the spelling of the email address below and try again", please review our troubleshooting article.